Books on how to quit smoking quickly: Alan Carr, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking

How to quit smoking easilyHow to quit smoking? The famous British writer Alan Carr studied nicotine addiction in detail and tried to understand the minds of smokers. Based on this, he published a book called "A Simple Way to Quit Smoking" and opened a network of clinics of the same name. Alan Carr's advice was so effective that his "method" became national property and his books are still published around the world. It is reported that Alan Carr's book can help 10 million smokers quit smoking.

Why is quitting smoking easy?

Alan Carr's position is somewhat paradoxical. He promises: It doesn’t take willpower to quit smoking so hard!In his view, any violence against himself would only make the problem worse. You need to proceed with caution: convince yourself based on logical arguments and facts. Well, this book will help with that.The text is written in vivid, figurative language, with many examples and analogies.Alan Carr expressed his thoughts openly and clearly, without a trace of smoker-shaming. The author treats readers head-on, without intimidating or blaming, but trying to convince smokers: Brother, objectively you do not have an urgent need to smoke a few cigarettes a day!

The demand for tobacco is an illusion

Why do people smoke? Most people claim that they try to get away from problems, relieve stress, or it's just a way to have fun. That is, smoking is a valid, albeit harmful, behavior.Alan Carr thought differently. He declared: This is self-hypnosis! The brain tries to justify itself by disguising addiction as a conscious choice. Subconsciously, no adult wants to smoke.In fact, smoking does not bring any positive results. Each new cigarette only gives you a chance to avoid withdrawal symptoms for a while. But non-smokers will not be bothered by this at all!Carr believes that the only objective reason for smokers to continue smoking is fear. On the one hand, a person is afraid of not being able to cope, of "breaking down. "On the other hand, he was terrified of the painful feelings caused by the coming withdrawal symptoms. If you overcome this fear, your body will make quitting smoking easy and painless.

marketer's enemy

Alan Carr considered the problem extensively and comprehensively in his study of smoking. He conducted numerous polls, collected statistics, and delved into psychology and physiology. In many ways, it was this profound approach that determined the popularity of his teaching.He was very concerned about "external enemies" - those who made money selling cigarettes. Carr describes the ploy by marketers to force people to buy more and more sets and urges them not to give in."The Simple Method" was written in 1985. At the time, smoking was considered a fad and was actively promoted by the media. Things are different now—at least in our country. Smokers should not be afraid of external pressure. Society will approve and support his desire to quit smoking. In shops, cigarettes are not shoved under the nose, but hidden. Television confidently promotes smoking as bad and harmful.Still, it's worth reading about these "enemies" of the modern smoker. If only to establish how well-positioned he was compared to the Brits of the 1980s. You can also draw an analogy to understand what marketers are offering us today.

Programming in Allen Carr's book "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking"

If we consider Alan Carr's work from a programming perspective, we can highlight several interesting points.The main idea that is constantly repeated in the book is that anyone can quit smoking and that quitting smoking will be easy for them. Perhaps, these phrases are deposited in a person's subconscious mind, thereby programming, inspiring and motivating him to achieve the "ease" of this decisive action.The word "easy" appears more than 60 times in the book.The book also often conveys the idea that smoking brings no benefits to a person, and even goes so far as to describe many of the negative consequences of smoking.
"Smoking is an addiction, a disease, and the number one killer. " Being addicted to nicotine is terrible, but remaining addicted for the rest of your life is even worse. "
The book repeatedly encourages action:
"Try to look at shiny cigarette packages in a new way - try to see the garbage and poison inside. Don't be fooled by cut-glass ashtrays, gold lighters and millions of others. Start asking yourself some questions: Why am I doing thisDo? Do I really need this? No, of course not! " …"Take six deep puffs of this premium tobacco and ask yourself, 'What's so great about this flavor? '". . ."First, identify those moments or events when it is absolutely necessary for you to smoke. If you are a businessman and smoke to relieve stress, choose a relatively calm period, such as your annual vacation. Typically, if you are smoking out of boredom orSmoking while doing nothing, choose the opposite. By all means, take this issue seriously and make this attempt the most important event in your life. "
All of these are fairly simple ways to influence a person. But strangely enough, simple techniques can achieve huge results. But it's worth noting that this effect is short-lived. According to our observations, seven out of 10 people return to smoking after a period of time. This can happen when the attitudes a person has embraced are forgotten and weakened.

Revolutionary technology!

When she finally decided to quit smoking, instead of relying on her own willpower, she went to a man who promised relief in one visit. Well, two at most. The amazing doctor stuck a needle through my mother's ears, occasionally twisting them like dials on a radio receiver. Mom endured the pain resolutely and tried to quickly catch the wave she wanted, but she didn't know in what range she should look. "Do you want to smoke? " - asked the magician angrily. "I want to! " - Mom answered truthfully, and he twisted even harder. After five visits, she was tired of the exoticism of Eastern medicine, her ears were red from the injections, and her "qi" was exhausted, so she stopped seeing the shaman.Mom quit smoking after a month. To my question "How? " the answer: "I'm so angry with myself. Not only did she put up with the needles, she paid for them. It would have been better if I bought shoes! " Then she shrugged: "Maybe the needles work. . . "I "quit" tobacco overnight. That's what I tell everyone. I immediately added: However, this was preceded by four years of torture. I tried everything during this time. Reduce the number of cigarettes (following my father’s example). Traditionally held on Mondays, New Year's Day, birthdays and May 31st; from early morning to full moon; on an empty stomach and on a full stomach. I tried to "replace" by eating a handful of barberries and crackers. I tried e-cigarettes – these vapor-powered nicotine crutches. I asked my friends not to smoke in front of me. He even left the city. I've read hundreds of scientific (and not-so-scientific) articles on the issue of smoking. I found a book by Allen Carr, which was in short supply at the time, and read it cover to cover. All to no avail! Why won't Alan Carr help me? I think I already knew pretty much everything there was to learn from the book at the time, so the necessary wow factor that the author was counting on didn't occur during the reading. I'm desperate. To all the complaints about the futility of my attempts, my father replied: "In life, only the first fifty years are hard. Then you get used to it. "My nerves nearly collapsed, my self-esteem plummeted, and my loved ones would avoid me if they didn't see the cigarette in my hand. What makes me particularly angry is that I, a healthy person, have to endure and humiliate myself by begging every day to get rid of something that is essentially pointless - cigarettes. It seemed like this annoying habit had taken over not just my consciousness and body, but varying amounts of it—my past and my future. Time and time again, the cigarette looked at me blankly with the red eyes of the terminator, and I seemed to hear its voice: "I will be back. " Such a long four years. But one day, everything changed. . .It doesn’t matter when you make the decision to kick your addiction. It doesn’t matter how much effort you put in along the way. We all have similar stories, and none of them are the main thing. One door closes, another opens, and we make a decision that we don’t take seriously at first—we simply move from the past into the future. One beautiful morning I woke up. Had a bath. finish dressing. I've had breakfast. I drank coffee. I read the news. Leave the house. I got on the bus that took me to work. I didn't know yet that this was the first morning of my new life. I can't get my hopes up. I spent the whole day doing something, chatting with colleagues and friends. He talked, answered questions, laughed, joked. With every minute, every hour, my confidence grows and strengthens - it has happened. One of the most important events in my life happened! I get home from get off work. I already ate dinner. I watched movies and surfed the Internet. Lying in bed. When I was about to fall asleep that day, I said to myself:you. more. no. You smoke.There was life the next day. Jobs change, friends leave, and new ones appear. I battled stress and celebrated some personal victories. I learned to accept big losses and enjoy small gains. Everything is the same as everyone else. I've been single for five years and I never want to smoke again! Or even test yourself (although that would be completely stupid). I can only be thankful for the changes and wonder why I didn't do it sooner when quitting was so easy!

"Easy Ways to Quit Smoking" - Quit smoking using the Alan Carr Method

Smoking is a bad habit that can lead to addiction. The symptoms of quitting smoking are so obvious that even strangers can ask the addict: "Why are you so angry? Have you quit smoking? "Anesthesiologists agree that breaking nicotine addiction is difficult. But professional accountant Alan Carr invented a simple way to quit smoking and wrote a book about it that became a bestseller.

Alan Carr – Biography Facts

A. Carr (1934-2006) himself began smoking at the age of 18 while serving in the military. He works as an accountant and can smoke up to five packs of cigarettes a day. Allen Carr suffered from drug addiction and tried unsuccessfully to kick it. After about 33 years of smoking, he sought help from a hypnotherapist, but "he started smoking as soon as he left the clinic. "Still, the visit was rewarding. The hypnotherapist explained to him that "smoking is just a nicotine addiction". Soon after, Carr read in a medical manual that physical withdrawal symptoms included a feeling of emptiness and uncertainty. Comparing these two facts, he concluded that it was easy to break the bad habit and was filled with the desire to tell all smokers. A. Carr wrote "The Easy Way to Quit Smoking" and soon opened his own clinic with the same name as the one written in the book. Over time, one institution grew into a network of medical centers around the world. They work their way and guarantee a refund in case of failure.A. Carr has also published books on combating alcoholism, being overweight, fear of air travel, and a motivational publication on achieving success.At age 71, he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer and died 4 months after diagnosis.

About the book "Easy Ways to Quit Smoking"

The book "The Simple Way to Quit Smoking" is written in simple and easy-to-understand language. The author explores in detail what causes deadly habits, debunks myths and shares personal experiences, and describes how to deal with "nicotine critters. "

Why do people continue to smoke?

Smoking can lead to mental and physical dependence. A person develops certain habits related to cigarettes; nicotine is incorporated into metabolic processes. To avoid stress and stay comfortable, addicts must smoke at certain intervals.Alan Carr said that cigarettes do not bring pleasure but only temporarily relieve withdrawal symptoms. If a person continues to smoke, his craving will continue. The sense of relief he experienced when he opened the lighter and took his first puff after the break indicated a return to normal, conditional normality. Arriving at the same place where people without cigarettes often find themselves.In other words, withdrawal syndrome arises from the fear of being deprived of habitual activities. If you overcome this fear, quitting smoking will be easy and painless. Only by recognizing what his end is, what the nicotine trap is, can the addict escape it. Alan Carr shares a secret: The link between quitting smoking and willpower is overstated. And this idea is a great help for those who don't want to be able to grit their teeth and hold on for as long as they want.A. Carr is convinced that most smokers don't really know why they continue to kill themselves in this unpleasant and expensive way. They feel fooled: in order to start getting used to cigarettes, they already have to get over the frankly unpleasant feeling of cigarettes. Smokers implicitly know this, and so do those who don't have the habit. Nicotine addiction and "brainwashing" are two reasons why you should buy a new cigarette pack. "Will I really be happy after quitting smoking? " - another addict thinks and continues to destroy his health.

Misunderstandings about smoking

In his book, the author debunks myths and describes the traps smokers fall into. "What would you say to yourself now when you lit your first cigarette? Would you praise your child for this new activity? " - A. Carr asked. Addicts sadly admit that they will not make this mistake again and certainly will not be happy for a child who smokes. So why are the number of smokers only increasing? In his exchanges with them, Carr collected a series of fantasies that supported this addiction:
  • In fact, smokers enjoy the process;
  • Smoking looks cool and manly;
  • Smoking is a habit and once you start it is impossible to quit;
  • Quitting smoking requires a strong will;
  • Quitting smoking is extremely difficult and withdrawal symptoms are severe;
  • The smoker should be regularly reminded that this habit is leading him to his grave;
  • Smoking is a way to overcome boredom, relax and overcome stress.
All myths about smoking boil down to three things: cigarettes are pleasurable, quitting is nearly impossible, and giving up nicotine is an irreparable loss. Alan Carr scoffs at the idea that smoking is a way to achieve unconditional pleasure and acceptance (analogous to a child in a mother's arms, S. Freud's concept of the oral stage). "That's not true, " says the best-selling author. – People who light up cigarettes want to look mature and brave. Invite them for a walk with a pacifier - they will die of shame. "

Some information about withdrawal syndrome

Nicotine is a drug. It has a rapid onset of action and leaves organs and tissues equally quickly. What would happen if this substance was stopped being supplied to the body? "Rumors of horrific experiences are greatly exaggerated, " Alan Carr wrote in his book. Unbearable "withdrawal" is nothing more than a feeling of lack of inner support or joy.There is no physical pain in the usual sense. Smokers may complain of low mood, anxiety, and a strong desire to "do something with their hands. "The reason is habit, addiction. This happens when a person starts smoking regularly. These are "nicotine critters" that live in the stomach and need food. After the cigarette butt is thrown into the trash can, the desire to smoke is almost immediately felt. By choosing to continue, a person is only prolonging a series of thirst and short-term relief.Alan Carr compares smokers to heroin addicts and describes the injection process in vivid colour. Changes in perspective - completely unsightly behaviors that are foreign to those who do not suffer from these disorders - can bring addicts into remission.Of course, one could argue that cigarette deprivation and food deprivation cause similar suffering. But diet is crucial, smoking is not.

Method description

"It's easy to quit smoking, " A. Carr wrote. In describing the method, he noted two conditions:
  1. Make a clear decision not to smoke anymore.
  2. Don’t be discouraged by this deprivation. We should be happy.
The authors of this method explain that people who do not start smoking are actually not weak and purified. They have the ability to cope with stress and anxiety. They are livelier and more active than those who need the stimulation of cigarettes.Anyone can break bad habits. To quit smoking on your own, all you need to know is the following:
  1. You can achieve your goals, and you're no worse than anyone else at that.
  2. There is nothing to throw away, you are not leaving, you are gaining.
  3. There is no single cigarette: every one is followed by others.
  4. Smoking is a life-shortening disease.
  5. When a person decides to smoke his last cigarette, he becomes a non-smoker.
The author believes that if you have the right mindset, it's easy to avoid smoking during the first three weeks of body cleansing. Readers will find it interesting to learn why quitting smoking is not worth it within a certain period of time (one month, six months, one year).Alan Carr stipulates that his method only works if you quit smoking completely and do not replace it with any nicotine-containing products. Why? This book details the author's views on this issue.What do readers think? They said in their reviews that the book really helped them kick their addiction. Readers note that the author does not write anything supernatural but rather straightforwardly provides good motivations for action.

Why does failure occur?

"It's easy to quit smoking. I've quit a hundred times myself" - Mark Twain's famous quote very accurately describes how the intention of quitting smoking does not always make a person truly free once and for all. Many failed attempts to quit smoking have confirmed the myth that "once drug addiction is established, it is impossible to quit. "A. Carr states in his material that the effectiveness of his method is 95%. There are two main reasons behind 5% of failures: failure to follow instructions and failure to understand.Inability to follow directions - Lack of willingness to follow a method, trying to adapt the idea to oneself in a way that distorts it. Maybe these suggestions seem too harsh, but they make the process easier and give the addict confidence in the success of the business. This includes:
  • Quit smoking immediately;
  • Products containing nicotine are prohibited.
The authors agree that even among those who ignore these tips and seek other treatment options, some actually quit cigarettes. However, he urges not to view techniques as a way to help overcome this habit. Incomprehension is the desire for ready answers. Smoking culture and the tobacco industry regularly broadcast thousands of devices to the world. To break this habit, you should choose those statements that resonate within you and try to understand them. For example, a person may believe that cigarettes are a source of happiness. You should think about why it’s easier to give up on other things that bring you more pleasurable emotions.Risk factors that may shake people's confidence in the correctness of the decision they make include other smokers in the environment and "hard days" leading to habitual smoking. "It's not a loss, it's a recovery, " the author warns.The book "Simple Ways to Quit Smoking" is not a medical publication. However, the accuracy and sincerity with which the problem is described, as well as the effective methods the author proposes to break this habit, make it a good assistant in the fight against deadly diseases.

Alan Carr - Quit Smoking

Alan Carr is famous for his books in which he talks about a simple way to quit smoking. This method has helped many people quit smoking.Allen Carr himself died 23 years after giving up smoking. He was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. British anti-tobacco guru and author of "Easy Ways to Quit Smoking".

Easy Ways to Quit Smoking - Alan Carr

Many people are skeptical when picking up Alan Carr's book, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking. All because they thought they were now going to see another publication describing all the joy of the consequences of smoking.As you read, your perspective changes somewhat and you calmly accept the idea that you don't need to smoke. This book can change you a lot because it inspires you to quit smoking. Many who have read this book agree.There are no horror stories in the book about the dangers of smoking, the author does not force us to do anything, he even recommends continuing to smoke while reading. The author brilliantly debunks all the myths and fears associated with quitting smoking while repeating many boring assumptions from one chapter to the next. After listening to this book, the reader has no doubt that he will smoke again. . . His only wish is to finish listening to this boring book quickly and run to the street happily like a child, because he is not a smoker. -Smoker.

His method has shown amazing effectiveness, has been recognized by experts, has been widely welcomed, and has achieved great success in many countries around the world. Alan Carr has created a global network of clinics whose experts help smokers quit smoking and overcome nicotine addiction. Alan Carr's books have been published in twenty languages and have become bestsellers.