What happens after you quit smoking

It is absolutely correct to quit smoking and not attract people's attention. This incident is caused by many reasons. Of course, this is the well-known physical and mental dependence and the ability of nicotine to actively participate in the body's metabolic processes. Let us try to understand in detail what happens when you quit smoking, but you don’t have to think that the goal is to scare e-smokers, they will be afraid of quitting after reading. All the advantages of giving up cigarettes will definitely be listed. Everything will only make smokers at least consider whether to quit smoking?

Quit smoking

Consequences of quitting smoking

It is reliable to know that stopping the intake of nicotine in the body will cause a temporary metabolic disorder, which is often accompanied by hunger in humans. Naturally, its quenching can lead to excess weight.

It is well known that quitting smoking will lead to quitting smoking. This is because nicotine has a weak narcotic effect and is addictive like any drug. Withdrawal can lead to withdrawal, which is expressed as follows:

  • Neuroticism and irritability;
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Disgusting;
  • Headache

Of course, these are just general symptoms. Their existence may be related to a certain disease. For example, the fact that this happens when a person quit smoking is just evidence that the patient is strongly dependent on tobacco.

Nicotine is a stimulant to the human body. If you quit smoking, it may weaken the immune system and cause temporary depression of the nervous system due to lack of nicotine stimulation.

After quitting smoking for a period of time (average two to three weeks), a dry cough (sometimes painful) develops, but cough often. What happens to the lungs after quitting smoking?

Lack of regular cigarette smoke intake of nicotine and tar causes the lungs to gradually clear them out, which can cause coughing.

is extremely rare, but stomatitis still develops. This is usually the first time after a person quit smoking. It manifests in the form of oral mucosal ulcers.

Almost in 100% of the cases, psychological changes will occur after quitting smoking. What happens to our psychology when you quit smoking? There are many things here:

  1. The decrease in communication with smoking friends may be accompanied by a feeling of abandonment (to discuss with them regularly in the smoking room and discuss many different issues, without this problem, a person begins to feel lonely); x/li>
  2. Changing familiar habits (for example, drinking a cup of coffee or a beer after a meal) can cause discomfort;
  3. Under any pressure, the speed at which you begin to draw out energy and determination is much faster than a person can indulge in cigarettes, which in some way helps calm the nerves faster.
  4. In the process of quitting nicotine, people have difficulty concentrating;
  5. Loss of self-confidence is the most common result of quitting smoking. In fact, this is just a delusion of people, because just lack of cigarettes can cause panic, and non-smokers will not feel this way.

This is not a complete list of what happens after a person quit smoking. Most of these effects occur when the supply of nicotine to the body suddenly stops. In this regard, many people ask a question, is it harmful to quit smoking suddenly? All of these can persuade smokers to give up cigarettes. Not telling the other side of the coin is wrong, and then you can consider whether to quit smoking.

Benefits of quitting smoking

The purpose is not to persuade someone, it is just an appeal to consider whether to give up cigarettes.

The biggest benefit of exiting is:

  • Stop exposure to tobacco toxins;
  • No cigarettes;
  • Eliminate the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on loved ones;
  • The function of improving taste buds, the ability to enjoy the various flavors of your favorite dishes;
  • Freedom from addiction, end nicotine bondage;
  • Improve skin condition and delay aging;
  • Add free time that can be used effectively;
  • Improved the sense of smell and the ability to feel the smell more delicately;
  • The ability to fully and most importantly participate in sports more effectively;
  • Improve memory

Maybe some of these positive aspects of nicotine smoking cessation seem to have improved, but it is certain that this at least helps to consider whether to quit smoking completely. This is already choosing the right path. Getting rid of bad habits will always have more benefits, because it can bring health and freedom. These are perhaps the two most valuable things in human life. Moreover, you should not worry about what happens when you quit smoking. A person is fully capable of coping with all of these, and most of the psychological consequences of quitting smoking are invented by himself.

Is it harmful to quit smoking suddenly?

Many smokers ask themselves a question: "Is it harmful to quit smoking suddenly? " There is a view that this is more dangerous to the human body. At the same time, most experts say that smoking cessation can only be done once and for all, nothing else. Moreover, if there are negative consequences, then it cannot be completely caused by a strong refusal to smoke. This is probably just a sign of starting to clean the body. However, it should be realized that if smokers eventually reach the goal and gradually reduce the number of cigarettes, then this is completely acceptable. To answer the question: "is it worth quitting smoking suddenly or gradually? ", it is safe to say that there is only one thing-you need to quit smoking, but how-it doesn't matter, the main thing is success.